Crack Of A Bat

Contemplating pain and wonder…

   Crack Of A Bat

The crack of a bat
Or the sound of small arms fire
Putting my ribs back


From   –   A Warrior’s Battles: Poems of Struggle   –   (aWIP)

The things you think of in the middle of trauma…   Sound familiar…?

The Way You Act

Contemplating fear and courage…

   The Way You Act

When panic is near
Courage is the way you act
NOT, feeling no fear


From   –   A Warrior’s Battles: Poems of Struggle   –   (aWIP)

Have you been there? Tell us about it…

Never More Alive

Contemplating fear and being alive…

   Never More Alive

Adrenalin’s breath
Never more alive than now
Nearly scared to death


From   –   A Warrior’s Battles: Poems of Struggle   –   (aWIP)

Share your story and maybe I can write a piece on that…


Contemplating honor and service…


Fighting for the weak
Honored to protect and serve
It is Police Week


A tribute to all those that fight for others…

Please share…

The Brave Can

Contemplating the mob…

   The Brave Can

In all the clamor
Only the brave can muster
The will for manners


From   –   Straight Thru the Curves: A Book of Haiku

Have you seen this? Have you been there? Tell us about it…

Constant Now

Of sadness and sorrow…

   Constant Now

Years later he grieves
Maybe not as constant now
Wind rustling the leaves


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book Of Haiku   –   (aWIP)

We all feel the pain. Let me know if that strikes a chord…

Given the Chance

Contemplating the form…

   Given the Chance

Fewer words can speak
Volumes if given the chance
It’s a haiku week


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book Of Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Cute? Not cute? Profound? Tell us what you think…?


Contemplating affection…


Still soft and downy
Her loyalty comforting
The pug snores softly


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book Of Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Our little friends and companions so precious. Tell us what yours mean to you…

Waking From

Contemplating foolishness and epiphany…

   Waking From

As if from a dream
Waking from ego’s folly
Once again redeemed


From   –   Straight Thru the Curves: A Book of Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Ring any bells? Let us know what you think…

It Will Happen

Contemplating purpose…

   It Will Happen

It’s happened before
And it will happen again
Need new worlds before

   Moons and Dinosaurs

Or we roll the dice
Moons and dinosaurs attest
Do we go for thrice?


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book of Haiku   –   (AWIP)