Sacrifice Remembered

Remembering those that serve…

   Sacrifice Remembered

Finding a way to pay back
A mom with her own serving children
Works to make sacrifice remembered again
Each month they honor another so we don’t lose track

But it’s more than that
A celebration of lives
Cut short but full of life and accomplishment

And in the mission there’s one more commitment
Supporting children, husbands, and wives
Of those that served that

Need somewhere to stay while the doctors try to bring back
Their chance to live as full as they can again
Don’t let memories be lost in the din
Remember them now and after Afghanistan and Iraq


From   –   A Warrior’s Tears: Poems of Pain   (aWIP)

In honor of Patricia Boyd and her efforts on the Fallen Heroes Calendar

Available at MilitaryHeroesFoundation.Org:

Proceeds go to the Fisher House supporting military families