Category Archives: Love and Commitment

Her Courage

Contemplating family and the circle of life…

   Her Courage

A rite of passage
For both children and parents
One of the ways we feel the passing currents
Of time and of generations these moments presage

Growing up
So she’s out the door
Down the road on a mission

And we reach out to our friends seeking their commission
All this becomes ancient lore
Hoping it’s enough

And she gets the message
Without undergoing overmuch torment
Or maybe she’ll have fun peddling the Girl Scout cookies but either way parents
Proud of her courage


Raw Courage

Contemplating the nature of heroism…

   Raw Courage

A dog growls at me
I marvel at raw courage
And those pointed teeth


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems

The Sun Rises

Contemplating love, commitment, and fear…

   The Sun Rises

What is it you fear
The sun rises, then it sets
Lovers grow too near


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book of Haiku   (aWIP)

How Great the Pain

Contemplating pain, love, and commitment…

   How Great the Pain

She winces sleeping
Not knowing how great the pain
That leaves him weeping


From   –   Straight Thru the Curves: A Book of Haiku   (WIP)

Time and Again

Regarding life, love, and commitment…

   Time and Again

Twenty one years together
She finds it impossible to imagine
A life without him
It should have been forever

Still she wouldn’t trade even one year
To not feel the pain
She’ll stay here

For now near
To this awful pain
Embracing every last tear

And then she’ll move on but missing their life together
And the not holding him
But he will always be there time and again


Each New Dawn

Of life, love, struggle, and friendship…

   Each New Dawn

One more great man falls
As do all

No longer famous
But was among the bravest

Knowing him we knew it to be so
And thru the years his valor would only grow

Those of us that walk around ready to fight
For loved ones, duty, and for what’s right

And those with families that knew him knew his commitment
To be the best he could for those he loved and to be decent

His world champion fame and glory days long since gone
Each new dawn

He greeted as a warrior
No matter the trial or travail he was a fighter to the core

To the end
Those that knew him proud to call him friend


A tribute to Savannah Svatma Russell (Known in his fighting days as SAVANNAH JACK)