Category Archives: Redemption

The King We’ll Make

Of redemption…

Excerpted from   –   The King We’ll Make

…Bruce offered the Red a simple deed
Help me to be king.  I will grant you my estates
Or grant me all of yours and you the king we’ll make
So it was they agreed…


From   –   Robert the Bruce: A Warrior’s King

Children of the Stone

Of redemption…

Excerpted from   –   Children of the Stone

And for the children of the stone
Comes now after children dying alone
As he kneels here to kiss the ground
Years of penance
Forty six years have brought this moment around
The cheers now in place of wailing
The crowds.  They, their returning chief hailing
Old square
Where parliament sat long ago
Not quite prepared
For seventy thousand wanting to know
History still lying heavy here
Events placing
Here.  The blood and misery of those dear…


From   –   A Warrior’s Battles: A Book of Struggle   (Not Yet Published)

Bruce Renewed

Of redemption…

   The Bruce Was Renewed

The Earl of Pembroke pursued
Robert’s band
While The Bruce desperately devised a new plan
But there remained that ill omened action he still rued

Wasn’t the killing itself
But that it was done upon holy altar
So Bruce paused by Tyndrum at Strathfillan past Loch Tay

Kneeling before the Abbot of Inchafray
Absolved once more for the sacrilege at Greyfriars
Robert’s spiritual health

With the mantel of piety was again imbued
At the shrine of St. Fillan
Of Glenlochart.   There on ancient holy land
The Bruce was renewed


From   –   Robert The Bruce: A Warrior’s King