Category Archives: Wonder

A New Star In The Sky

Contemplating the wonder of life…

Excerpted from   –   A New Star In The Sky

I looked up and there it was
New star in the sky
Why’s it there? Or just because?
Beauty way up high

Doesn’t really matter why
Only that it’s there
And I watch it with a sigh
Shine without a care…


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems

Lightning’s Leap

Contemplating the power and beauty of nature…

Excerpted from   –   Lightning’s Leap

Lightning rips the night sky
Children flinch even while deep asleep
Thunder cracks in the wake of sudden lightning’s leap
Hear nature’s awesome cry

Watching out the window
Nothing there but light filled explosions
Darkness darker under the solid sheets of rain

Storms delivering renewed life as well as pain…


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems