All posts by glegus

Each New Dawn

Of life, love, struggle, and friendship…

   Each New Dawn

One more great man falls
As do all

No longer famous
But was among the bravest

Knowing him we knew it to be so
And thru the years his valor would only grow

Those of us that walk around ready to fight
For loved ones, duty, and for what’s right

And those with families that knew him knew his commitment
To be the best he could for those he loved and to be decent

His world champion fame and glory days long since gone
Each new dawn

He greeted as a warrior
No matter the trial or travail he was a fighter to the core

To the end
Those that knew him proud to call him friend


A tribute to Savannah Svatma Russell (Known in his fighting days as SAVANNAH JACK)

Minister and Politician

Of heroes…

   Minister and Politician

A minister and politician
But don’t think that means you know what he’s about
Not fighting for position or power leaves no doubt
His character’s that of a true patrician

In fighting for the people
He’s not abrasive
But rather

Attempts to gather
Opposing sides in cooperative
Efforts for all so that all reap well

Standing for the common good his ambition
Though now fighting ALS his resolve remains stout
This is what he is about
A people’s minister and politician


A tribute to Senator Gary Kubly

Definition of Beauty

Contemplating beauty…

   Definition of Beauty

She’s become my definition of beauty
She was always hot
And I can’t repeat lots of the compliments I got
About how shapely

Her shape was
A dream
Then and now that’s still the same

But thru the years everything’s found a new frame
And seems
That because

Of all that she’s come to be
And has taught
Me. This and all that she is has brought
Me to see she is the definition of beauty


Trample On Conscience

Contemplating nobility, or the lack thereof…

   Trample On Conscience

Once more just the same
Men who trample on conscience
Soon get over shame


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book of Haiku   (Not Yet Published)

While My Face Smiles

In pain and sorrow…

   While My Face Smiles

My heart screams with pain while my face smiles
I retreat into hectic routine
But the act only postpones my trials
It is the pain that’s real though perhaps not seen

And life is not normal though to others it may seem
I struggle on tired and numb
Dazed.  I still wish this was but a dream
I couldn’t imagine the emptiness losing that special someone

Why?!  She was so alive, so young
Missing her stops me cold in my tracks
Hiding from the pain why I stay on the run
But my tears reveal the facade’s many cracks

Mama, Come Back…


From   –   A Warrior’s Tears: A Book of Sorrow   (Not Yet Published)