All posts by glegus

This Road Is Not Abrupt

Celebrating life…

   This Road Is Not Abrupt

Young and sweet she reminds me
Of so many young people that I have seen

Full of life and verve
Not jaded by all that has not yet occurred

Full and ready but still somewhat dismayed by the pending decisions

Demanded by life
In this time that is so rife

With change
Of grand implications and extensive range

I can remember those times
Of high excitement and wondrous worry in attempting to define

What I’m to be now that I’m to be grown up
In the midst of sipping from life’s overflowing cup

The question sparkles within her eyes
And here spirit flies

Upon the winds of this quest
The adventure that’s borne me all these years now confessed

No, this road is not abrupt
What will I do when I’m finally all grown up?


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems

Tons of Rocks

Of the fight…

   Tons of Rocks

Ten times over the bridge that day
Signs banging then the road dropped likesome tons of rocks
Cars and trucks were tumbling and fell like they were blocks
Sliding backward time to pray

And jump
But the driver cracked
His spine when the landing jarred

His back hard
Then had to be strapped
To a stretcher and carried out in a painful lump

The passenger was able to stray
getting out and looking around he took stock
And found two trying to get out of a car that looked like a crushed box
Helping them out together they walked away


From   –   Bridges Don’t Falls Down: Stories from the I35W Bridge Collapse

Missed But Still

Regarding love and commitment…

   Missed But Still

How did we miss each other?
Both looking for what a partner could not guess
Being human we often fail this kind of test
But being human and in love we’ll continue to bother

To try
Of ourselves we will demand
Because love is more than just the good times

And even in the discordant moments that don’t rhyme
We will do it again and
We’ll cry

Then try again because we care knowing the pain can’t smother
The ever deepening love to which we’ve both confessed
Something neither of us would have ever guessed
Missed but still with each other


Dancing Swirl

Of love and commitment…

An excerpt from…

   Dancing Swirl

Too old to want advice
Too young to know it’s still needed
Determined regardless what I pleaded
I pray there’s no high price?
My little girl
That I used to hold in one hand
A little bundle I’d cuddle and rock to sleep
Her happy cries of glee when I came home would greet
My notice her antics did demand
She was a dancing swirl…


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems

Bruce Renewed

Of redemption…

   The Bruce Was Renewed

The Earl of Pembroke pursued
Robert’s band
While The Bruce desperately devised a new plan
But there remained that ill omened action he still rued

Wasn’t the killing itself
But that it was done upon holy altar
So Bruce paused by Tyndrum at Strathfillan past Loch Tay

Kneeling before the Abbot of Inchafray
Absolved once more for the sacrilege at Greyfriars
Robert’s spiritual health

With the mantel of piety was again imbued
At the shrine of St. Fillan
Of Glenlochart.   There on ancient holy land
The Bruce was renewed


From   –   Robert The Bruce: A Warrior’s King

The Work of Heroes

Common Heroism…

   The Work of Heroes

The school bus carried our most precious cargo
Hanging on the edge
Of a precipitous ledge
And all we could do watching was hope it wouldn’t go

And into the deep
Beyond the reach of even our best

But there were those that came forward to prevent that test
And did what they could to keep
The kids safe and sound

The children could not end up below
Hoping to dredge
Them up and out.   No they couldn’t go over the edge
It was the work of heroes


From   –   Bridges Don’t Fall Down: Stories from the I35W Bridge Collapse

My Anchor

Regarding Love and Commitment…

   My Anchor

She is my anchor
This I absolutely see
And my grasp upon reality
Without her my very soul is in danger

But for now
I remain safe because she holds me
Loving her with all my heart hoping I am as good

As she makes me want to be. My anchor has withstood
Tides of fortune pulling free
But somehow

Has not let go and still holds my soul safe from danger
In the beginning captured by the beauty
That grows still deeper I see
Her soul is my anchor


From   –   A Warrior’s Love: A Book of Love Poems

The House of Canmore

Contemplating History…

   The House of Canmore

When Robert was young Alexander III was king
Scotland was at peace
With the security and wealth that can bring

The house of Canmore had ruled for some two hundred years
But without an heir in sight this line might cease
Robert the Competitor had been chosen to steer

As King Alexander’s father’s successor
To the crown
But when that king remarried under pressure

Alexander was born as the royal heir
Now he also cast around
For candidates but he too remarried fair

Lusty as he was
The realm expected heirs soon
But the kingdom’s hope vanished one day because

Of King Alexander’s penchant to do as he’d wish
On a whim he rode out from Edinburgh.   On a night dark with no moon
Riding the coast road in a storm’s howling hiss

Fell from the cliffs to his doom


From   –   Robert the Bruce: A Warrior’s King