Contemplating beauty…
At the Show
The heats makes them wilt
Women that is, at the show
Best legs in a kilt
Contemplating, if you say so…
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Contemplating art…
Can Drown
And they’re songs to sing
If tone deaf, the pros can drown
Us out. It’s a fling
Contemplating not artistic…
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Contemplating shiny things…
Her baubles take wing
Sparkling gems, crystals, jewelry
Z brings shiny things
Contemplating wow…
And you can see her stuff at, as well as at the Irish Fair all weekend in St Paul, MN.
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Contemplating musical…
Silence But
Dancing ‘bove the ground
Silence but the music’s there
Fireflies all around
Contemplating magical…
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Contemplating curiosity…
Random Dancing
Curious delight
Random dancing flashes glow
Dogs watching the lights
Contemplating watching them watch…
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Small things continue to fascinate…
Contemplating wonder…
Entertaining Us
Light flashes abound
Entertaining us tonight
Fireflies all around
Contemplating how do they do that…?
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Contemplating suspense…
Set To Strike
Wondering if she’ll fall
Waiting for prey, set to strike
Mantis on the wall
Contemplating patience…
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Contemplating darkness…
Late At Night
Life seen in the spark
When we go out at late at night
Eyes glow in the dark
Contemplating life…
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I continue to be fascinated by ordinary life…
Contemplating music…
Beyond Belief
I repeat my words
Riches beyond belief. The
Many bird songs heard
Contemplating complexity…
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Contemplating purpose…
Alive Now
Life is its own boon
I find myself alive now
Red azaleas bloom
Contemplating beauty…
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Reflections of the moment…