Category Archives: Effort


After a three month hiatus I’m back…

Contemplating finding inspiration…


When the ink runs dry
Inspiration sought I see
The stars in your eyes



Contemplating found…

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Cold or Snow

Contemplating shock…


   Cold or Snow

Here might be shutdown
Too funny when’s cold or snow
They look s’prised like clowns



Contemplating this never happens…?

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Wind Chill

We had some glitches last week with both the author and the system, so we’re going to re-publish last week’s posts to make sure everything’s working. Please forgive us if you already received these, and we should be back to posting new next week…

The difference in perspective on the weather is still entertaining, and even though the absolutes are a little off this week because of the delay, the relative differences still hold…

Contemplating harsh…


   Wind Chill

Back home minus five
Wind chill is not all that bad
Easy to survive



Contemplating really…

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Wind Chill

Still entertaining, the difference in perspective on the weather…

Contemplating harsh…


   Wind Chill

Back home minus five
Wind chill is not all that bad
Easy to survive



Contemplating really…

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Contemplating unforeseen…



And in saving her
Saves himself from the ether
Life he now prefers



Contemplating redemption…

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Contemplating sharing…


So he reaches out
To help her with her demons
Knightly armor touts



Contemplating back and forth…

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Deep Sleep

A friend returning from a too long sojourn of pain…

Contemplates how long was he gone…?


   Deep Sleep

Breathing, living, then
As if from a too deep sleep
A man awakens



Contemplating been there…

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Christmas Crowds

Contemplating fantasy…


   Christmas Crowds

Then the hobbit film
Who knew Christmas crowds would stop
Us seeing that realm



Contemplating reality…

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Young One

A little behind thru the holidays but catching up…

Contemplating getting started…


   Young One

Up and dogs go out
Without a walk the young one
Fritzy all about



Contemplating needs more…

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Away Finally

Contemplating how long…

   Away Finally

Starting to taper
The next week was only ten
Then two weeks later

Again thirty more
But then twelve and then seven
Now I think no more

Bags of leaves piled high
And then hauled away finally
Year’s over. I sigh



Contemplating done…?

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