Contemplating wonder…
Newly Arrived
Half dozen eagles
Newly arrived. Migrating?
Gliding high regal
Contemplating spectacle…
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Contemplating wonder…
Newly Arrived
Half dozen eagles
Newly arrived. Migrating?
Gliding high regal
Contemplating spectacle…
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Contemplating nature…
‘Cept Where
Look up the sky’s blue
Ok, ‘cept where the brown cloud
Hangs and still accrues
Contemplating not so nature…
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Contemplating life…
Just a Part
When the sun comes up
It’s all just a part of life
Some days that’s enough
Contemplating the little things…
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Contemplating change…
Over the Landscape
The cool of fall rolls
Over the landscape’s features
Another season folds
Contemplating time…
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Contemplating pure joy…
Goes Out
Despite the rain she
Loves the outside and goes out
Clouds she doesn’t see
Contemplating serenity…
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Contemplating beauty…
Amongst the Green
Leaves turn fiery red
Shining bright amongst the green
One tree’s some ahead
Contemplating seasons…
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Contemplating adventure…
The Hill
Meanwhile the grass plush
The hill velvety and bright
Bull dog rolls in brush
Contemplating fun…
Contemplating nature rampant…
Rotate Blooming
The blossoms stunning
Trees and shrubs rotate blooming
Her nose keeps running
Contemplating irony…
Contemplating the wild side…
Showing Off
Wild men in kilts croon
Up on the stage showing off
And the women swoon
Contemplating just plain fun…
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Contemplating life…
Early In
Can’t really feel blue
Early in the morning when
The morning doves coo
Contemplating nature…
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