Category Archives: Contemplation

Abide My Hand

Contemplating the process…

   Abide My Hand

When the muse is upon me
The words flow
Onto the page and the verses seem to glow
With meaning easy to see

Well, for me
But when the muse is absent
My pen wanders about aimlessly lost in the sands

Or even refusing to abide my hand
What then when pen won’t go to paper? Where is what’s meant
For lines to set free

For others to see
The things that we all already know
In the day’s rush as we go
More and more crazy


Contemplating clarity…

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Joy I Remember

Contemplating fun…

   Joy I Remember

Minnesota’s cold
Is fickle and sometimes mild
Always for the bold

Wandering delights
Cruising through little downtowns
Pretty Christmas lights

Joy I remember
Tears streak my face up on the
Bike in December


Contemplating wonder…

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Tomorrow’s Warm

Contemplating reality…

   Tomorrow’s Warm

Maybe where you live
Or when. Cold’s tomorrow’s warm
It’s all perspective


Contemplating perspective…

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Other’s View

Contemplating perspective…

   Other’s View

It’s off to HQ
Twenty two years in the field
It’s time to imbue

The DC mind set
And me with each other’s view
Hope I don’t forget


Contemplating change, but whose…?

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Onto the Street

Contemplating tension…

   Onto the Street

The orders come down
And it’s out onto the street
Mixed with smiles and frowns

Each handles the stress
For some a lark. For others
Each op is a test

Depending on style
The fears and tension handled
Underneath the smiles


Contemplating the danger…

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He Suits Up

Contemplating a comeback…

   He Suits Up

A long time hero
Back from an ancient history
Forgotten he knows

Maybe best that way?
But duty calls. He suits up
Cap’s into the fray


Contemplating, “How fun is that?”

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