Contemplating memories…
Gazing Up
Memories still felt
Gazing up child remembered
Still Orion’s belt
Contemplating wonder…
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Contemplating memories…
Gazing Up
Memories still felt
Gazing up child remembered
Still Orion’s belt
Contemplating wonder…
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Contemplating nature…
Mysteries Beyond
The world apprises
Me of the mysteries beyond
When the wind rises
Contemplating the calm…
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This week reflects an evening’s last outing with the dogs before retiring for the night…
Contemplating stillness…
Quieter Here
Still near the city
Quieter here than back home
Crowded but country…?
Contemplating paradox…
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Contemplating patience…
Slow For Sure
Without much ado
Slowly extend. Slow for sure
A decade or two
Contemplating glacial…
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Contemplating simple…
Your Other
Simply put your leg
Over your other shoulder
For mercy I beg
Contemplating really…?
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Contemplating the hurt of it…
Having Known Moments
Too many misses
Moments I blew now there’s no
More hugs and kisses
Unending pain goes
With the joy of having known
A sweet little rose
Contemplating the joy of it…
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Contemplating loss…
Brief Though
Once more I’d wish it
Brief though it was, full of joy
A baby’s visit
Contemplating joy…
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Contemplating ability…
Easy ‘Til
Taking on the world
Easy ’til you’ve been crushed when
Fate simply unfurled
Contemplating delusion…
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Contemplating wonder…
Picks Up
Out walking the dogs
Wind picks up and the temp drops
Home. We better jog
Contemplating urgency…
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Contemplating judgement…
This Place
Sixty degrees here
Maybe this place not so bad
Missing those held dear
Contemplating perspective…
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