Category Archives: Effort

Mountains Moved

Contemplating achievement…

   Mountains Moved

In a new nation
How mountains moved, cities built


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Contemplating how things really get done…

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Only Option

Contemplating tough breaks…

   Only Option

Starting over’s hard
But the only option when
Broken into shards


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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Many Times

Contemplating love and courage…

   Many Times

Who’ll save her babies?
Many times into the fire
She got her puppies


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

In honor of a Chilean momma dog that kept going back into the burning building until one by one she got all her puppies out…

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Unfair Advantage

Contemplating silliness…

   Unfair Advantage

He’s under the gun
Unfair advantage his legs?
Why don’t others run?


In honor of Oscar Pistorius’ effort and making the Olympics…

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The Teams Tied

Contemplating effort and glory…

   The Teams Tied

Lunging they each missed
Facing Russia the teams tied
Recover and hit


In honor of the U.S. Women’s Olympic Epee team that won bronze by a point…

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Looking Out

Contemplating responsibility…

   Looking Out

Blaming is a joke
Looking out not looking in
The mindset is broke


Others may contribute, and random chance plays hugely at all times, but we drive much of what comes to us…

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Kept Away

Contemplating hysteria and conventional wisdom…

   Kept Away

Traffic jams unseen
But predicted kept away
Normal traffic weaned


In sympathy with all the starving London businesses whose normal tourist traffic stayed away to avoid the crush of the Olympics. The crush that appears not to have happened…

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Side By Side

Contemplating life, effort, and all the rest…

   Side By Side

Hot sun beating down
Sweat pours working side by side
Good to be around


Contemplating life and being there…

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Going To

Contemplating overcoming…

   Going To

Now he’s running free
Going to the Olympics
Double amputee


A salute to Oscar Pistorius who’d rather just be thought of as a runner…

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