Contemplating the hurt of it…
Having Known Moments
Too many misses
Moments I blew now there’s no
More hugs and kisses
Unending pain goes
With the joy of having known
A sweet little rose
Contemplating the joy of it…
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Contemplating loss…
Brief Though
Once more I’d wish it
Brief though it was, full of joy
A baby’s visit
Contemplating joy…
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Contemplating busy…
For Others
The vacations skipped
Though I can plan for others
Are forever missed
Contemplating now…
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Contemplating expectation…
The Rumble
One snores that’s been sick
Sleep’s not tied to the rumble
Lovable’s his shtick
Contemplating do dog’s purr…?
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Contemplating concern…
In Air
Her wheezing draw pulls
In air and my attention
Pug’s each new breath lulls
Contemplating comfort…
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Over a long weekend enjoying the quiet, or not…
Contemplating the cacophony…
Piled Together
The pack’s varied sounds
Piled together for the night
They all cuddle round
Contemplating symphony…
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Contemplating judgement…
This Place
Sixty degrees here
Maybe this place not so bad
Missing those held dear
Contemplating perspective…
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Contemplating innocence…
Seen Thru
Feeling the wonder
Of life seen thru a child’s eye
The spell I’m under
Contemplating perspective…
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Contemplating wonder…
Now There’s
What’s that? Way wide eyes
Mare’s pregnant? Now there’s a colt
Named Sonny Sir Prize
Contemplating wonder…
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Contemplating effort…
Kids at play yet more
Than that working the horses
Values at the core
Contemplating value…
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Reflections of the moment…