Category Archives: Fear


Contemplating style…


The taunts and the jeers
Ladled out in pettiness
Make hollow the cheers

Or is it only
The money and the showmanship?
Rich can be lonely


Contemplating values…

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Nothing Else

Contemplating values…

   Nothing Else

They both look ready
True malice or showmanship?
They both talk ready

Does being the best
Mean nothing else matters
True champs pass more tests


Contemplating sportsmanship…

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Unknown Since

This weeks recounts the other UFC championship bout and co-main event of December 28…

Contemplating preparation…

   Unknown Since

Rounded out or not?
Unknown since by the arm bar
All before’ve been caught


Contemplating see it coming…

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Picks Up

Contemplating wonder…

   Picks Up

Out walking the dogs
Wind picks up and the temp drops
Home. We better jog


Contemplating urgency…

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Adamantium Armor

Contemplating condemnation…

   Adamantium Armor

Intentions not clean
Adamantium armor
Meets Wolverine


Contemplating redemption…

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To the Wild

This week is dedicated to a child hood hero…

Contemplating pain and endurance…

   To the Wild

After losing all
He retreated to the wild
To endure the pall


Contemplating grief…

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‘Cept Where

Contemplating nature…

   ‘Cept Where

Look up the sky’s blue
Ok, ‘cept where the brown cloud
Hangs and still accrues


Contemplating not so nature…

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Then Letting

Contemplating whoa…!

   Then Letting
She’s up and riding
Awkward at first then letting
Go her fear, gliding


Contemplating adventure…

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Holding Tight

Contemplating friendship…

   Holding Tight

Laughing and talking
And holding tight thru the tears
Hand in hand walking


Contemplating support…

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More Marines

Contemplating wonder…

   Remember Them

Noticed if they died?            
We should remember them all
Heroes years gone by


Contemplating what it takes…

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