Category Archives: Friendship

This Weekend

Contemplating fame and glory…

   This Weekend

Author appearance
At Minn Ren Fest this weekend
Come and join the dance


Glorying in that my friends know my name…

Other than that, not so much, but we’ll have fun…
Please tell all your friends and maybe come visit us too…

More info at

And see the sponsor ads on that page for ZZZsCreations.Com and WarriorWords.Com
Pretty cool. I’ll be in their tent…

Smiles and Chuckles

Contemplating the moment…

   Smiles and Chuckles

A breeze ruffles hair
Smiles and chuckles show the mood
Moments without care


Enjoy the moment but especially the peaceful ones…

Please share your thoughts…

In Eye Blinks

Contemplating the contest…

   In Eye Blinks

Weapons high they charge
In eye blinks samurai strike
Living fast and large


Anticipating watching my friend’s son battling at kendo…

The Killing Shot

Courage, sacrifice, and getting the job done…

   The Killing Shot

He shoved the bad guy
Deflecting the killing shot
Job done. As he died…


A tribute to a best friend I never met…

From   –   A Warrior’s Tears: Poems Of Pain   –   (aWIP)

Heroism should be celebrated. Pass it on…


Contemplating affection…


Still soft and downy
Her loyalty comforting
The pug snores softly


From   –   Short Thoughts: A Book Of Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Our little friends and companions so precious. Tell us what yours mean to you…

Proud to Stand

Reveling in the glory of the moment…

   Proud to Stand

I have fought real men
And been proud to stand with them
Or against again


From   –   Straight Thru the Curves: A Book of Haiku   (WIP)

Each New Dawn

Of life, love, struggle, and friendship…

   Each New Dawn

One more great man falls
As do all

No longer famous
But was among the bravest

Knowing him we knew it to be so
And thru the years his valor would only grow

Those of us that walk around ready to fight
For loved ones, duty, and for what’s right

And those with families that knew him knew his commitment
To be the best he could for those he loved and to be decent

His world champion fame and glory days long since gone
Each new dawn

He greeted as a warrior
No matter the trial or travail he was a fighter to the core

To the end
Those that knew him proud to call him friend


A tribute to Savannah Svatma Russell (Known in his fighting days as SAVANNAH JACK)