Contemplating flights of fancy…
Will be all right
When Avengers assemble
Cause it’s might for right
At least survival
When Earth’s mortal foes arise
They will assemble
Contemplating old favorites…
Finally saw the movie…
Contemplating flights of fancy…
Will be all right
When Avengers assemble
Cause it’s might for right
At least survival
When Earth’s mortal foes arise
They will assemble
Contemplating old favorites…
Finally saw the movie…
Contemplating fun…
Irish Village
Come see us at our best
Irish Village this weekend
At the Minn Ren Fest
Will be there talking history & poetry, signing books, and wearing the kilt…
Minnesota Renaissance Festival
Please share…
Contemplating surprises…
Didn’t Know
Since I was a kid
A poet I didn’t know
But my aunt I did
Contemplating mysteries in loved ones…
Please share…
Contemplating change…
Heat Breaks
The summer heat breaks
As fall begins to draw near
Hot and cool, a little rain, then clear
And still the occasional thunderstorm shakes
The house
But those fade
And the changes in the days
Belong more to the winds than changes in the sun’s rays
The storms have been played
Leaves carouse
And weeks the sun can still bake
But as those grow fewer we will fear
The coming of winter with cold so cold it can sear
Under our goose bumps we shake
Contemplating the coming seasons…
This one’s probably a couple weeks late but it wouldn’t finish until last night. Maybe it’s right on time…
Please share…
Contemplating history…
I Did Spot
Classic sights to see
I did spot Link from Zelda
Fantasy’s history
Wondering at fantasy as part of history…
Please share…
Contemplating one of my favorite sounds…
After While
The atmosphere strong
Heart thrums after while head hurts
Bagpipes all day long
Contemplating endurance…
Please share…
Contemplating decorous mayhem…
Horses Charge
The crowd shouts with glee
Horses charge, lances lowered
People are crazy
Contemplating craziness…
Please share…
Contemplating return…
Salt and Pepper
Champ back from twelve years
Off. Now salt and pepper ‘do
Competitors’ tears
Contemplating the comeback and a champion’s return to the crown…
Please share…
Contemplating incongruities fitting in…
The Genre
The costumes appear
Covering the genre, then some
A robot draws near
The Renaissance Festival definitely has a genre but anyone with a costumes fits in…
Please share…
Contemplating fame and glory…
This Weekend
Author appearance
At Minn Ren Fest this weekend
Come and join the dance
Glorying in that my friends know my name…
Other than that, not so much, but we’ll have fun…
Please tell all your friends and maybe come visit us too…
More info at
And see the sponsor ads on that page for ZZZsCreations.Com and WarriorWords.Com
Pretty cool. I’ll be in their tent…