Category Archives: Humor

Aches and Pains

Contemplating perspective…


   Aches and Pains

Even at ninety
Discussing aches and pains
More concerned for me

Though forty years less
Old. Her worry for mine showed her
Tougher I confess



Contemplating I hope to be so…

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Every Which Way

And now for the back story and contemplating what’s going on…?


   Every Which Way

When the cops came they
All scattered every which way
No one left to say

‘Bout bystanders glued
To spectacle of fight real
Or just for u-tube?



Contemplating but it was fun…

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Hard To Tell

Contemplating what’s going on…?


   Hard To Tell

Bare chested, no hoods
Thugs or punks? Was hard to tell
Fading thru the woods



Contemplating that was fast…

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Probably Not

Contemplating right now…


   Probably Not

Meanwhile he’s after
Them out back. Probably not smart
And kids way faster



Contemplating seemed like a good idea at the time…

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Cops Cruising

Contemplating movement…


   Cops Cruising

Thru the front door she’s
Going for the cops cruising
“Out back in the trees”



Contemplating action…

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More Deer

This week concerns strange things that can happen in your own back yard…


   More Deer

Washing dishes then
“… running the back yard!”   “More deer?”
“No NOT deer, three men…!!!”



Contemplating, what the…?

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At the Show

Contemplating beauty…


   At the Show

The heats makes them wilt
Women that is, at the show
Best legs in a kilt



Contemplating, if you say so…

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Can Drown

Contemplating art…


   Can Drown

And they’re songs to sing
If tone deaf, the pros can drown
Us out. It’s a fling



Contemplating not artistic…

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Spectacle At

This week celebrates the upcoming Irish Fair in St Paul, MN…

Contemplating party…!



See us, if you’ll dare
Crowds, music, and spectacle
At the Irish Fair



Contemplating did I say, “Party…!”

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Looking Closely

Contemplating what’s behind the wonder…?


   Looking Closely

On off there then here
Looking closely you can see
Dark the bugs appear



Contemplating they’re there…

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