Category Archives: Life

Teaming With Life

Contemplating life…

   Teaming With Life

Here we feel alone
The city’s teaming with life
But still we miss home


Contemplating discovery…

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Another Hen

Contemplating surprise…

   Another Hen

Surprise once again
Another hen laying eggs
Second flock begins


Contemplating here we go again…

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Raised Another

Contemplating again…

   Raised Another

Second year family
Raised another pair and then
Watching them fly free


Contemplating old friends…

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Wee Birdies

Contemplating dilemma…

   Wee Birdies

Squab under the eaves
Watching the wee birdies grow
Mom granted reprieve


Contemplating compassion…

Please share your thoughts…

The Front Door

Contemplating judgement…

   The Front Door

The first year a nest
Appeared outside the front door
Left them be felt best


Contemplating compassion…

Please share your thoughts…