Contemplating reality…
Her Den
Doesn’t understand
That she cannot make her den
Here. Can’t understand
Contemplating, oh no…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating reality…
Her Den
Doesn’t understand
That she cannot make her den
Here. Can’t understand
Contemplating, oh no…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating fun…
Do Cavort
The pups wander round
Innocent they cavort
Startled go to ground
Contemplating nature…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating effort…
Across Several
She brought her babies
Across several yards to nest
Nearby for maybes
Contemplating family…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating strange…
Across the Yard
Strange floppy eared dog
Runs across the yard with babies
Was momma groundhog
Contemplating that was cute…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating glad to be done…
What a Trip
Can’t say it was fun
But a trip to see the brood
That life now done
Contemplating the circle of life…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating overwhelming…
Falling Fast
And the cleanup comes
Although they’ve been falling fast
Now exponential sums
Contemplating kinda gross…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating numbers…
They Have Said
Six hundred to each
Person is what they have said
Way past that we reached
Contemplating awed…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating music…
Silence Comes
Their echoes still ring
But silence comes back again
I hear the birds sing
Contemplating relief…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating ambition…
Goes On
In the end alone
Despite the battle goes on
In the game of thrones
Contemplating consequences…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating ambition…
At the Top
Before the great fall
They climbed and stood at the top
Borgias played for all
Contemplating fate…
Please share…