Category Archives: Life

Moving Away

Contemplating distance…

   Moving Away

Phone calls from back home
Moving away’s not so far
We are not left alone


Contemplating loved ones…

Please share…

Reminds Me

Contemplating meaning…

   Reminds Me

Dinner with old friends
Reminds me of life’s meaning
Schedules have to bend


Contemplating the meaning of life…

Please share…

Hoighty Toighty

Contemplating tolerance…

   Hoighty Toighty

Cannot countenance
They sound so hoighty toighty
Does that too by chance?


Contemplating perspective…

Pleaase share…

Live Again

Contemplating resolve…

   Live Again

Swore not on his knees
Would he ever live again
But for her it’s, “Please”


Contemplating perspective…

Please share…