Category Archives: Love and Commitment

A Child Cries

I’m sure I’ve posted this before, and I’m sure I will again…

Contemplating mothers…

   A Child Cries

A child cries
And a mother runs
To dry those eyes
And protect that son

Years of nurturing that child
Uncertain sure but always trying to do it right
Wanting him strong but yet not too wild
And independent sure but not too far out of sight

Loving him all the while
Sometimes he was good and sometimes bad
But always a trial
And scaring her yet making her glad

A child cries
And a mother runs
To dry those eyes
And protect that son

This is the way that s child grows
And yes it’s the story of mothers too
As time continually flows
Until he’s grown and gone like she always knew

Now that he’s out on his own
There’s moments she has to worry and wonder
Raising him how well’s he grown?
Ever afraid she’s made some great blunder

A child cries
And a mother runs
To dry those eyes
And protect that son

And does he still even care?
Can she still find a way to play some small part
In this life she wants to share?
Growing’s surely hard on a mother’s heart

Then a mother cries
And that same child quickly runs
To dry those eyes
And comfort as she had done


On Mother’s Day and every other day I miss you Mom…

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Straight and Tall

Contemplating passage…

   Straight and Tall

For right thru his doubts
Grown he now stands straight and tall
And’s made me some proud


Contemplating getting there…

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My Son

Contemplating life…

   My Son

Mother never met
My son. Now he’s a married
Man. Some tears I’ve let


Contemplating life…

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Beyond That

Contemplating beginning…

   Beyond That

They became friends first
Grown beyond that now partners
For better or worse


Contemplating better…

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Hold On

This week brings new joy and new family into the clan…

Contemplating emptiness…

   Hold On

His loneliness bleeds
And struggling to hold on then
Found the girl he needs


Contemplating whole…

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Citing Beauty

Contemplating beauty…

   Citing Beauty

Does it sound corny
Citing beauty like a rose
Don’t forget thorny


Contemplating love…

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The Effort

Contemplating worth…

   The Effort

Care they do require
But no matter the effort
The creatures inspire


Contemplating true loyalty…

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Heart and Soul

Contemplating perseverance…

   Heart and Soul

Occasional falls
Did not deter heart and soul
My son yet stands tall


Contemplating pride…

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Becomes a Man

This week’s reflection bears upon the family…

Contemplating maturity…

   Becomes a Man

A daughter’s nurture
The grandson becomes a man
I see the future


Contemplating the circle of life…

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His Smeagol

Contemplating loyalty…

   His Smeagol

Clearly little man
Pride and joy like his Smeagol
Loving guardian


Contemplating love…

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