Category Archives: Love and Commitment

Gentle Side

Contemplating the heart…

   Gentle Side

He’s a brooding brute
But he has a gentle side
She thinks that he’s cute


From   –   Thru The Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Please share…

A Man Is A Fool

Contemplating stupidity…

   A Man Is A Fool

A man is a fool
And must needs apologize
Praying he doesn’t bring forward the demise
Of her love for him ever knowing his for her rules

His heart
For she is the center of his life
Yes there are other responsibilities

And day to day life full of difficulties
Crowding out moments meant for his wife
His part

Is to hold her tight and think, so not thoughtlessly cruel
Seems so simple how could he do otherwise?
Yet again he must apologize
Such a fool


Happy Anniversary My Love…

Sitting Around

Contemplating wonders of life…

   Sitting Around

It is quite the sport
To see them sitting around
Laughing at pug snorts


Life is truly fun…

From   –   Short Thoughts: Odd Reflections In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Please share…

Straight Laced

Contemplating choices and paradox…

   Straight Laced

Adventure won’t due
Conservative and straight laced
But she married you


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Particularly inspired by a dinner conversation among friends about soft shelled crabs…

But this could be many of my friends, or me…

Does it resonate?

Mists Of Forever

Contemplating love and loss…

   Mists Of Forever

My love’s been forlorn
Lost in mists of forever
Of hope I’ve been shorn

Then again reborn
When thought it would be never
I have been reborn


Can anyone relate? Please share…

To Feel Relaxed

Contemplating fear and the realness of life loved…

   To Feel Relaxed

I have stood in fright
And appeared to feel relaxed
Watching my son fight


What else can I say…

Feel the Strength

Contemplating love and faith…

   Feel the Strength

When just a baby
I could feel the strength he had
Never been maybe


Some worries along the way, and some faltering steps, but always up and onward…

The Old Man

Contemplating the circle of life…

   The Old Man

He’s young strong and fit
Primed to surpass the old man
In just a wee bit


Life goes on…

Stepping Up

Contemplating the struggles of life…

   Stepping Up

Only just begun
Babes toddle. Men Struggle on
Son turned twenty one

Come into his own
Stepping up to toe the line
I see that he’s grown


Life is good…

Every Day

Inspired by a son grown…

   Every Day

Waking every day
Proving himself every day
Yes he’s found his way


This week is dedicated to my Son and all we’ve learned together…