Contemplating, oh no…
Ingesting Imbues
Psychedelic hues
Ingesting mushrooms imbues
Adventures refused
Contemplating no way…
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Contemplating, oh no…
Psychedelic hues
Ingesting mushrooms imbues
Adventures refused
Contemplating no way…
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Contemplating suspense…
Wondering if she’ll fall
Waiting for prey, set to strike
Mantis on the wall
Contemplating patience…
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Contemplating perspective…
Toward the Kitchen
Standing and watching
Deer looks down toward the kitchen
Not alarmed. Stopping
Contemplating confidence…
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I continue to be amazed in this urban shadow as this week stays in the back yard…
Contemplating riot…
Quiet Stillness
The dogs barking hard
Run past a quiet stillness
Deer in the back yard
Contemplating seriously…?
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Contemplating darkness…
Late At Night
Life seen in the spark
When we go out at late at night
Eyes glow in the dark
Contemplating life…
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Contemplating disturbance…
Silence But
A moment disturbs
The silence but it’s not bad
The cat sits and purrs
Contemplating content…
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I continue to be fascinated by ordinary life…
Contemplating music…
Beyond Belief
I repeat my words
Riches beyond belief. The
Many bird songs heard
Contemplating complexity…
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Contemplating history…
Same Path
The new woodchuck runs
Cross the same path as last year’s
Guest. Seeing her’s fun
Contemplating coincidence…?
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Contemplating purpose…
Alive Now
Life is its own boon
I find myself alive now
Red azaleas bloom
Contemplating beauty…
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The wonder continues looking outside…
Contemplating the myriads…
Life Burst
Look around and see
More miracles of life burst
Forth. Wonders to see
Contemplating riches…
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