Category Archives: Passion


Contemplating flights of fancy…


Will be all right
When Avengers assemble
Cause it’s might for right

At least survival
When Earth’s mortal foes arise
They will assemble


Contemplating old favorites…

Finally saw the movie…

Horses Charge

Contemplating decorous mayhem…

   Horses Charge

The crowd shouts with glee
Horses charge, lances lowered
People are crazy


Contemplating craziness…

Please share…

This Weekend

Contemplating fame and glory…

   This Weekend

Author appearance
At Minn Ren Fest this weekend
Come and join the dance


Glorying in that my friends know my name…

Other than that, not so much, but we’ll have fun…
Please tell all your friends and maybe come visit us too…

More info at

And see the sponsor ads on that page for ZZZsCreations.Com and WarriorWords.Com
Pretty cool. I’ll be in their tent…

Trickles Down

Contemplating life and effort…

   Trickles Down

Sweat beads on my brow
Trickles down and off my face
Alive here and now


Contemplating an old here and now…

Please share…

The Teams Tied

Contemplating effort and glory…

   The Teams Tied

Lunging they each missed
Facing Russia the teams tied
Recover and hit


In honor of the U.S. Women’s Olympic Epee team that won bronze by a point…

Please share your thoughts…

Gentle Side

Contemplating the heart…

   Gentle Side

He’s a brooding brute
But he has a gentle side
She thinks that he’s cute


From   –   Thru The Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Please share…

A Man Is A Fool

Contemplating stupidity…

   A Man Is A Fool

A man is a fool
And must needs apologize
Praying he doesn’t bring forward the demise
Of her love for him ever knowing his for her rules

His heart
For she is the center of his life
Yes there are other responsibilities

And day to day life full of difficulties
Crowding out moments meant for his wife
His part

Is to hold her tight and think, so not thoughtlessly cruel
Seems so simple how could he do otherwise?
Yet again he must apologize
Such a fool


Happy Anniversary My Love…


Contemplating laughter and the serious…


Nose to sky howling
Pug sounds like a coyote while I
With laughter howling


From   –   Short Thoughts: Odd Reflections In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

Matches End

Contemplating high levels…

   Matches End

Kendo’s reach beyond
Matches end in eye blinks
Or go on and on


It was an interesting day and filled the week…

Can you relate? Let us know what you think. Hit the comment button…

Fixed the typo…

Digging Deep

Contemplating life and and reaching…

   Digging Deep

Youth will find its way
Lessons of life digging deep
Sometimes in one day


This weeks is inspired by time spent with a good friend’s family…