Category Archives: Perspective

In the Trenches

Contemplating service…

   In the Trenches

They all serve that strive
Whether in the trenches or
Keeping commerce live


Contemplating all we need…

Please share your thoughts…

More Marines

Contemplating wonder…

   Remember Them

Noticed if they died?            
We should remember them all
Heroes years gone by


Contemplating what it takes…

Please share your thoughts…

Over the Landscape

Contemplating change…

   Over the Landscape

The cool of fall rolls
Over the landscape’s features
Another season folds


Contemplating time…

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Passes By

Contemplating intimidating…

   Passes By

Dingo dog cries out
At whoever passes by
Greetings all about


Contemplating enthusiasm…

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Shorts and Tee’s

This week the world right outside the door reminds me to be alive…

Contemplating paradox…

   Shorts and Tee’s

Heard it snowed back home
While we’re in shorts and tee’s here
But still, we miss home


Contemplating missing what…?

Please share your thoughts…

So Far

Contemplating humor…

   So Far

Learned to walk again
Four times so far. How many
More before the end?


Contemplating de ja vu…

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