Contemplating clarity…
The Technique
When the body fails
All that’s left is the technique
When physical pales
Contemplating finding a way…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating clarity…
The Technique
When the body fails
All that’s left is the technique
When physical pales
Contemplating finding a way…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating breadth of vision…
What Comes Next
Fighting thru the pain
Doesn’t matter what comes next
Face up in the rain
Contemplating perspective…
Please share your thoughts…
This week’s a collection of memories that cycle in and out of my life…
Contemplating cool…
Make Worse
What should I not do?
“Whatever. What you’d make worse
The knife will cut thru…”
Contemplating really…?
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating yes or no…
On and Off
The light switch blinks on and off
Works if it wobbles
Contemplating failure…
Contemplating function…
Not Keeping Up
It’s been really hot
The AC’s not keeping up
Think the machine’s shot
Contemplating keeping up…
Contemplating nature…
In the City
Can’t bark anymore
Than this. We’re in the city
But deer at the door
Contemplating really…?
Contemplating well, maybe…
One’s Thrilled
Spiders, tick, and slugs
Stink bugs, cicadas. One’s thrilled
Girl cat catches bugs
Contemplating oh no…
Contemplating nature rampant…
Rotate Blooming
The blossoms stunning
Trees and shrubs rotate blooming
Her nose keeps running
Contemplating irony…
Contemplating the wild side…
Showing Off
Wild men in kilts croon
Up on the stage showing off
And the women swoon
Contemplating just plain fun…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating life…
Teaming With Life
Here we feel alone
The city’s teaming with life
But still we miss home
Contemplating discovery…
Please share your thoughts…