Contemplating unspoiled…
Delicate Pretty
Snowfall in the woods
Such delicate pretty scene
Paint it if I could
Contemplating wishful thinking…
Please share…
Contemplating unspoiled…
Delicate Pretty
Snowfall in the woods
Such delicate pretty scene
Paint it if I could
Contemplating wishful thinking…
Please share…
Contemplating uh oh…
Bad Idea
So aching to shout
But awfully bad idea
When the back goes out
Contemplating oops…
Please share…
Contemplating tolerance…
Hoighty Toighty
Cannot countenance
They sound so hoighty toighty
Does that too by chance?
Contemplating perspective…
Pleaase share…
Contemplating perspective…
Set In
Thru night snow not rain
And panic’s sure to set in
Glad to ride the train
Contemplating what you’re used to…
Please share…
Contemplating reality…
So Slack
Might be they’d be friends
But the blank faces so slack
Might be aliens
Contemplating humor…
Please share…
Contemplating reality…
They Really Are
I cannot decide
If they really are people
The blank faces ride
Contemplating zoned out…
Please share…
Contemplating resolve…
Live Again
Swore not on his knees
Would he ever live again
But for her it’s, “Please”
Contemplating perspective…
Please share…
Contemplating details…
Little Things
Far more than the big
It’s little things every day
Really make the trig
Contemplating significance…
Please share…
Contemplating awareness…
Looking Back
Look around I see
No one looking back at me
Massed awareness flees
Contemplating are you there…?
Please share…
Contemplating paradox…
In the Morning Light
The red berries bright
Aglow in the morning light
Belie poison’s fright
Contemplating terrible beauty…
Please share…