Contemplating life and and reaching…
Digging Deep
Youth will find its way
Lessons of life digging deep
Sometimes in one day
This weeks is inspired by time spent with a good friend’s family…
Contemplating life and and reaching…
Digging Deep
Youth will find its way
Lessons of life digging deep
Sometimes in one day
This weeks is inspired by time spent with a good friend’s family…
Contemplating respect…
But Still
He’s not a great man
But still should be remembered
That he is a man
Contemplating fear and the realness of life loved…
To Feel Relaxed
I have stood in fright
And appeared to feel relaxed
Watching my son fight
What else can I say…
Contemplating the circle of life…
The Old Man
He’s young strong and fit
Primed to surpass the old man
In just a wee bit
Life goes on…
Contemplating the struggles of life…
Stepping Up
Only just begun
Babes toddle. Men Struggle on
Son turned twenty one
Come into his own
Stepping up to toe the line
I see that he’s grown
Life is good…
Contemplating strength…
Telephone Poles
Strong men strive for fame
Throwing those telephone poles
Called the heavy games
Contemplating work and effort…
In Just One Day
The merchant square goes
Up and down in just one day
How our commerce flows
Contemplating paradox…
At the Fair
Big men hammers hurl
At the fair while on the stage
Little dancer girls
Contemplating life and celebration…
The Minnesota Scottish
Merchants and athletes
Artisans and dancers too
Gather to compete
Singers of some fame
The Minnesota Scottish
Fair and highland games
Contemplating hardship and celebration…
May In Minnesota
Foul weather Scots dare
It’s May in Minnesota
And time for the fair