Contemplating the wheel…
Round one furious
Flashes from both champs but the
New more studious
Contemplating turning…
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Contemplating the wheel…
Round one furious
Flashes from both champs but the
New more studious
Contemplating turning…
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Contemplating sorrow…
Other Plans
Goodbye’s not simple
When the speaker’s other plans
Grow intrigue’s wrinkles
Contemplating mystery…
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Contemplating mercy…
His Captor
No good deed goes un
Punished. Saving his captor
Years before now stunned
Contemplating nobility…
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Contemplating innocence…
Seen Thru
Feeling the wonder
Of life seen thru a child’s eye
The spell I’m under
Contemplating perspective…
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Contemplating size…
Very Affectionate
Imposing of course
But very affectionate
An adopted horse
Contemplating heart…
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Contemplating value…
Remember Them
Noticed if they died?
We should remember them all
Heroes years gone by
Contemplating sacrifice…
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Contemplating change…
Over the Landscape
The cool of fall rolls
Over the landscape’s features
Another season folds
Contemplating time…
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Contemplating humor…
So Far
Learned to walk again
Four times so far. How many
More before the end?
Contemplating de ja vu…
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This week’s a collection of memories that cycle in and out of my life…
Contemplating cool…
Make Worse
What should I not do?
“Whatever. What you’d make worse
The knife will cut thru…”
Contemplating really…?
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Contemplating life…
Teaming With Life
Here we feel alone
The city’s teaming with life
But still we miss home
Contemplating discovery…
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