Category Archives: Redemption

The Dynamics

Contemplating strife…

   The Dynamics

No one’s left to stew
The dynamics of the pack
Makes a happy crew


Contemplating family…

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Stunning Beauty

Contemplating beauty…

   Stunning Beauty

Whites, pinks, and the blends
The stunning beauty blossoms
Shortly it will end


Contemplating the circle of life…

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Reminds Me

Contemplating meaning…

   Reminds Me

Dinner with old friends
Reminds me of life’s meaning
Schedules have to bend


Contemplating the meaning of life…

Please share…

Hoighty Toighty

Contemplating tolerance…

   Hoighty Toighty

Cannot countenance
They sound so hoighty toighty
Does that too by chance?


Contemplating perspective…

Pleaase share…

Always Planned

Contemplating absence…

A friend of mine wrote…

   Five Seven Five

Damn! My head won’t stop
Thinkin’ ’bout five seven five
Will it ever stop?

   -Fred Jones-

Pulling me out of my preoccupation and the doldrums…

Now again inspired…

I wrote…

   Always Planned

Sabbaticals not
Always planned sometimes they just
Find me all caught up


Contemplating being gone too long…

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Have To Roll

Contemplating reality…

   Have To Roll

Life changes and we
Have to roll with the punches
Even grandsons see


Contemplating clarity…

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Our All

Contemplating effort…

Before then we must
Give our all for in the end
We all leave as dust


Contemplating purpose…

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