Category Archives: Redemption

Going To

Contemplating overcoming…

   Going To

Now he’s running free
Going to the Olympics
Double amputee


A salute to Oscar Pistorius who’d rather just be thought of as a runner…

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For Ethics

Contemplating the light…

   For Ethics

Not the point what’s right?
Is there no room for ethics?
Without it no light

Clear sight worth the fight
There must be room for ethics
Or live without light


Just thinking…

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To Fight

Contemplating choice…

   To Fight

An invitation
To fight cannot be refused
Ego’s decision


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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Gentle Side

Contemplating the heart…

   Gentle Side

He’s a brooding brute
But he has a gentle side
She thinks that he’s cute


From   –   Thru The Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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A Man Is A Fool

Contemplating stupidity…

   A Man Is A Fool

A man is a fool
And must needs apologize
Praying he doesn’t bring forward the demise
Of her love for him ever knowing his for her rules

His heart
For she is the center of his life
Yes there are other responsibilities

And day to day life full of difficulties
Crowding out moments meant for his wife
His part

Is to hold her tight and think, so not thoughtlessly cruel
Seems so simple how could he do otherwise?
Yet again he must apologize
Such a fool


Happy Anniversary My Love…

The Drive

Contemplating sanity…

   The Drive

Filled with compulsion
He channels the drive and so
Avoids expulsion


From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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They Look

Contemplating the faces of courage…

   They Look

Pain is an answer
And quick. Tougher than they look
Young Irish dancers


Tiny little girls limping, and going back out on the dance floor…


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From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)


Contemplating hope, and not…


Hopeless not always
Lack of possibility
Sometimes mood’s decay


Emotion is real. But not always reality…

From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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At the End

Contemplating darkness…

   At the End

When there is no light
At the end of the tunnel
Sometimes lack of sight


Or the tunnel curves…
Or the eyes might be shut…
Or might be facing the wrong direction…

Just thinking…

From   –   Thru the Curves: Thoughts On Right In Haiku   –   (aWIP)

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