Contemplating worth…
The Effort
Care they do require
But no matter the effort
The creatures inspire
Contemplating true loyalty…
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Contemplating worth…
The Effort
Care they do require
But no matter the effort
The creatures inspire
Contemplating true loyalty…
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This week’s reflection bears upon the family…
Contemplating maturity…
Becomes a Man
A daughter’s nurture
The grandson becomes a man
I see the future
Contemplating the circle of life…
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Contemplating loyalty…
His Smeagol
Clearly little man
Pride and joy like his Smeagol
Loving guardian
Contemplating love…
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Contemplating care…
His Champion
Late a kid cries out
And a dog runs to protect
Snuggled in. Love so stout
Then his dog choking
Kid comforts his champion
Murmurs and stroking
Contemplating perspective…
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Contemplating the right thing…
For Him
Panting and nervous
The meds got to go. For him
What’s right he trusts
If his time is short
Should not make him suffer more
For him. Now more short
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Contemplating ability…
Easy ‘Til
Taking on the world
Easy ’til you’ve been crushed when
Fate simply unfurled
Contemplating delusion…
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Contemplating busy…
For Others
The vacations skipped
Though I can plan for others
Are forever missed
Contemplating now…
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As I approach this week I ponder a letter written by a dear friend. Not to me but to himself as much as anyone. And so to me as well… There might be tears…
Contemplating ambition…
The Fates
Trying to win the day
Working hard, battling the fates
How life slips away
Contemplating costs…
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Contemplating rest…
Dead Asleep
His ears on alert
Twitching even dead asleep
He’d never desert
Contemplating loyal…
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Contemplating common sense…
Everything’s frozen
Don’t they insulate round here?
Many pipes broken
Contemplating standards…
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