Contemplating respect…
Colors Drape
Really? In a flag?
Colors drape soldiers’ coffins
No prizefighter’s rag
Contemplating crossing lines…
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Contemplating respect…
Colors Drape
Really? In a flag?
Colors drape soldiers’ coffins
No prizefighter’s rag
Contemplating crossing lines…
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Contemplating wonder…
Picks Up
Out walking the dogs
Wind picks up and the temp drops
Home. We better jog
Contemplating urgency…
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Contemplating condemnation…
Adamantium Armor
Intentions not clean
Adamantium armor
Meets Wolverine
Contemplating redemption…
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Contemplating sorrow…
Other Plans
Goodbye’s not simple
When the speaker’s other plans
Grow intrigue’s wrinkles
Contemplating mystery…
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A comic book hero…
Contemplating sorrow…
From Itself
But nature can’t hide
From itself or from karma
For victims he cried
Contemplating responsibility…
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Contemplating nature…
‘Cept Where
Look up the sky’s blue
Ok, ‘cept where the brown cloud
Hangs and still accrues
Contemplating not so nature…
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Contemplating hardy…
Wind Chill
Back home it’s frozen
Twenty below the wind chill
But nothing’s closing
Contemplating perspective…
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Contemplating effort…
Kids at play yet more
Than that working the horses
Values at the core
Contemplating value…
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Contemplating emotion…
With Clarity
Your feelings they feel
And react with clarity
Steady or they’ll reel
Contemplating empathy…
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Special week end posts to complete the celebration, and because somehow I messed up getting it done during the week…
Contemplating real…
For All Time
A family brand new
Joined together for all time
This what grown ups do
Contemplating being proud…
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