Category Archives: Responsibility

More Marines

Bonus post today. Having discovered duplicate poems from last week, I’m posting the correct text that goes with More Marines:

   More Marines

Was in Belleau Wood
More Marines died than all years
Before had withstood


Contemplating service…

Please share your thoughts…

In the Trenches

Contemplating service…

   In the Trenches

They all serve that strive
Whether in the trenches or
Keeping commerce live


Contemplating all we need…

Please share your thoughts…

They Came

Contemplating brotherhood…

   They Came

They gave for they cared
From whatever branch they came
Dead or not they dared


Contemplating giving all…

Please share your thoughts…

Remember Them

Contemplating value…

   Remember Them

Noticed if they died?            
We should remember them all
Heroes years gone by


Contemplating sacrifice…

Please share your thoughts…

Dangerous Out There

Contemplating uncertainty…

   Dangerous Out There

Testing the waters
Can be dangerous out there
Politics bothers


Contemplating nature…

Please share your thoughts…

Someone Has

Contemplating necessity…

   Someone Has

Dark thoughts bring a pall
But someone has to do it
Resigned made the call


Contemplating sadness…

Please share your thoughts…