Contemplating passion…
For Love
Savage noble beast
Was only for love he fought
King Kong wasn’t leashed
Contemplating passion…
Please share…
Contemplating passion…
For Love
Savage noble beast
Was only for love he fought
King Kong wasn’t leashed
Contemplating passion…
Please share…
Contemplating fortune…
Upon Their Backs
Just like turtles when
Landing upon their back they
Can’t right themselves ‘gain
Contemplating bad luck…
Please share…
Contemplating beauty…
Orange and Black
Delicate beauty
Gossamer wings orange and black
Looking for booty
Contemplating purpose…
Please share…
Contemplating new beginnings…
To the Trees
The cast off old skins
Cling to the trees as if live
One life ends. Begins
Contemplating the circle of life…
Please share…
Contemplating limits…
My Reaction
Enough. Makes me shriek
Or laugh at my reaction
Still cicada week
Contemplating wow…
Please share…
Contemplating breaking…
Cicadas Strumming
The loud humming sound
Of the cicadas strumming
Making my head pound
Contemplating how much…?
Please share…
Contemplating strange…
For Weeks
Living underground
Their whole lives except for weeks
Then can’t miss they’re round
Contemplating nature…
Please share…
Contemplating nerves…
Sealed Up Tight
Beautiful outside
But the windows sealed up tight
Mute the sound I tried
Contemplating limits…
Please share…
Contemplating, oh well…
Lame Some
Doesn’t stay where put
Still lame some the leg comes down
We call him pee foot
Contemplating really…?
Please share…
Contemplating effort…
Up and Down
Out to mow the grass
Up and down the hill the yard
Quickly kicks me fast
Contemplating gassed…
Please share…