Category Archives: Struggle

Our All

Contemplating effort…

Before then we must
Give our all for in the end
We all leave as dust


Contemplating purpose…

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On the Roads

Contemplating work…

   On the Roads

Crusty ruts of ice
Accumulate on the roads
Plowing’s too high priced

But then they did clear
Yesterday. The roads now neat
And more snow appears


Contemplating timing…

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In the Distance

Contemplating clarity…

   In the Distance

Tower of Babel
Looms in the distance above
All that we may tell


Contemplating understanding, or rather the mis…

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Abide My Hand

Contemplating the process…

   Abide My Hand

When the muse is upon me
The words flow
Onto the page and the verses seem to glow
With meaning easy to see

Well, for me
But when the muse is absent
My pen wanders about aimlessly lost in the sands

Or even refusing to abide my hand
What then when pen won’t go to paper? Where is what’s meant
For lines to set free

For others to see
The things that we all already know
In the day’s rush as we go
More and more crazy


Contemplating clarity…

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To Do List

Contemplating the pace…

   To Do List

As life grows hectic
Looking at the to do list
Sometimes feels frantic


Contemplating the growing crush…

As the holiday season is upon us please consider giving the gift of an Anchored Amblings subscription. From the heart and FREE…

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Adding Up

Contemplating planning for the unplanned…

   Adding Up

Mixed with my yelling
The dollars keep adding up
Now that we’re selling


Contemplating laughing or crying…

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