Contemplating uh oh…
Reigning Terror
Every seventeen
Emerging to reign terror
At least so it seems
Contemplating gross…
Please share…
Contemplating uh oh…
Reigning Terror
Every seventeen
Emerging to reign terror
At least so it seems
Contemplating gross…
Please share…
Contemplating strife…
The Dynamics
No one’s left to stew
The dynamics of the pack
Makes a happy crew
Contemplating family…
Please share…
Contemplating, oh well…
Lame Some
Doesn’t stay where put
Still lame some the leg comes down
We call him pee foot
Contemplating really…?
Please share…
Contemplating really…?
Speed and Momentum
Quick he’ll leave the ground
Gaining speed and momentum
Dingo dog spins round
Contemplating, “Oh my…”
Please share…
Contemplating worried…
The Lump
Shortly after fed
Not to be found she’s the lump
Under the spread
Contemplating mystery…
Please share…
Contemplating joy…
Might Be Rarer
Though no longer young
And it might be rarer now, joy
When she runs pug runs
Contemplating still young…
Please share…
Contemplating sounds…
Of Squirrels
Hearing the chatter
Of squirrels and crows peaceful
On the veranda
Contemplating fun…
Please share…
Contemplating tradition…
For the Border
Nachos and tacos
Was a run for the border
Cinco de Mayo
Contemplating tongue in cheek…
Please share…
Contemplating effort…
Up and Down
Out to mow the grass
Up and down the hill the yard
Quickly kicks me fast
Contemplating gassed…
Please share…
Contemplating peace…
Sunshine And
Too soon moments end
Sunshine and a gentle breeze
Sitting with a friend
Contemplating friendship…
Please share…