Category Archives: Effort

Cruise Thru

Contemplating infinite…


   Cruise Thru

Gotta do these more
Used to cruise thru fifty quick
Now thirty’s a chore

Strained thru a minute
Situps never hurt so much
Minute. Infinite



Contemplating change…

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Seem Short

Contemplating time…


   Seem Short

Home. Chasing her made
Seventy years seem short mere
Moments with the maid



Contemplating love…

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Probably Not

Contemplating right now…


   Probably Not

Meanwhile he’s after
Them out back. Probably not smart
And kids way faster



Contemplating seemed like a good idea at the time…

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Cops Cruising

Contemplating movement…


   Cops Cruising

Thru the front door she’s
Going for the cops cruising
“Out back in the trees”



Contemplating action…

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Can Drown

Contemplating art…


   Can Drown

And they’re songs to sing
If tone deaf, the pros can drown
Us out. It’s a fling



Contemplating not artistic…

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Bugs Take Cover

Contemplating comfort…


   Bugs Take Cover

Hot sun beating down
Bugs take cover but the roar
Lifts them from the ground



Contemplating effect…

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Down the Hill

Contemplating effort…


   Down the Hill

Dirt caked on my neck
Walking up and down the hill
A hot dusty trek



Contemplating tired…

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Lies Before Me

Contemplating routine…


   Lies Before Me

Familiar steps tread
The hill still lies before me
Sun hammers my head



Contemplating effort…

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Crowd Out

The outside never ceases to amaze me in so many ways…

Contemplating finding wonder…


   Crowd Out

Even this hot day’s
Work cannot crowd out wonder
Revealed to the gaze



Contemplating take the time…

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Looking Closely

Contemplating what’s behind the wonder…?


   Looking Closely

On off there then here
Looking closely you can see
Dark the bugs appear



Contemplating they’re there…

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