Category Archives: Friendship

Whole Now

Contemplating healthy…


   Whole Now

All that life has been
I am whole now and fulfilled
When you laugh I grin



Contemplating happy…

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Contemplating sharing…


So he reaches out
To help her with her demons
Knightly armor touts



Contemplating back and forth…

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View Of

Contemplating perspective…


   View Of

His pains now seem small
In view of what the world brings
Pain not the lone call



Contemplating joy…

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Shoes On

This week’s in honor of my friends that run…

Contemplating effort…


   Shoes On

In honor of friends
That run I put on the shoes
Hope don’t break just bend



Contemplating really…?

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Aches and Pains

Contemplating perspective…


   Aches and Pains

Even at ninety
Discussing aches and pains
More concerned for me

Though forty years less
Old. Her worry for mine showed her
Tougher I confess



Contemplating I hope to be so…

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Living All

Full of life and sparkle…


   Living All

Spunky little girl
Relishing life living all
In. Now eternal



An angel for sure…

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More Ways

For a week ago this week mourns the passing and celebrates the life…


   More Ways

A dear friend passed ‘way
Ninety three. More ways than one
The day’s her birthday



We miss her…

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Can Drown

Contemplating art…


   Can Drown

And they’re songs to sing
If tone deaf, the pros can drown
Us out. It’s a fling



Contemplating not artistic…

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Spectacle At

This week celebrates the upcoming Irish Fair in St Paul, MN…

Contemplating party…!



See us, if you’ll dare
Crowds, music, and spectacle
At the Irish Fair



Contemplating did I say, “Party…!”

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Snarling Growling

Contemplating scarey or scared…?

   Snarling Growling

Sweet heart after all
Snarling growling barking pug
We miss Ichabod


Contemplating really…?

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