Contemplating fun…
Ready Now
Not time to recline
All excitement now ready
For doggy play time
Contemplating what a hoot…!
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Contemplating fun…
Ready Now
Not time to recline
All excitement now ready
For doggy play time
Contemplating what a hoot…!
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Contemplating beginning…
Beyond That
They became friends first
Grown beyond that now partners
For better or worse
Contemplating better…
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Contemplating loyalty…
His Smeagol
Clearly little man
Pride and joy like his Smeagol
Loving guardian
Contemplating love…
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A couple weeks ago we lost an old friend and family member. So, this week’s for man’s best friend and my daughter’s broken heart…
Contemplating crazy…
Crazy As
Hurricane. No breeze
Crazy as he was still he
Was eager to please
Contemplating sweet…
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Contemplating appearances…
Terrorized But
And the blond pug runs
Away terrorized, but no
Turns and jousts in fun
Contemplating the ruse…
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Contemplating crazy…
Pug Play
And dingo dog spins
Trying to make the pug play
Think he even grins
Contemplating just plain fun…
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This week remembers last year when I arrived in Virginia…
Contemplating scraping by…
Figured I Would
Arriving was thin
But figured I would camp
A friend took me in
Contemplating roughing it…
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Contemplating care…
His Champion
Late a kid cries out
And a dog runs to protect
Snuggled in. Love so stout
Then his dog choking
Kid comforts his champion
Murmurs and stroking
Contemplating perspective…
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This week’s for a loyal and huge heart and for those that love him. There will be some tears as we prepare to say goodbye…
Contemplating hope…
Might Help
The news is so sad
But medicine might help for
A while not so bad
Contemplating pain…
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This week revisits the changing weather and perspective…
Contemplating new experience…
Laugh Though
Asked, will my car start?
Tried not to laugh though silly
Plainly their fear stark
Contemplating perspective…
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