Contemplating wonder…
Discovers Joy
Strumming the keyboard
A young man discovers joy
Hearing no discord
Contemplating discovery…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating wonder…
Discovers Joy
Strumming the keyboard
A young man discovers joy
Hearing no discord
Contemplating discovery…
Please share your thoughts…
This week is dedicated to my grandson and Happy Birthday to his mother…
Contemplating the process…
Young and Still
What wonders await
The young and still open mind?
Don’t learn to be late
Contemplating discovery…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating memories…
Cross Paths
Once again old friends
Cross paths and share a moment
Once more life begins
Contemplating friendship…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating fate…
Rounded Up
A surprise. Relo
One by one they’re rounded up
To the park they go
Contemplating fortune…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating nature…
But Sweet
Not my wife and not
Rabid badger mom but sweet
Woodchuck mom’s been caught
Contemplating the back yard…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating what’s going on…?
Rabid Badger
Do you mean your wife?
Or a rabid badger mom?
Prepare for defeat
-Fred Jones-
Contemplating now that’s funny…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating fun…
Do Cavort
The pups wander round
Innocent they cavort
Startled go to ground
Contemplating nature…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating strange…
Across the Yard
Strange floppy eared dog
Runs across the yard with babies
Was momma groundhog
Contemplating that was cute…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating glad to be done…
What a Trip
Can’t say it was fun
But a trip to see the brood
That life now done
Contemplating the circle of life…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating music…
Silence Comes
Their echoes still ring
But silence comes back again
I hear the birds sing
Contemplating relief…
Please share your thoughts…