Category Archives: Life

The Buzz

Contemplating hubbub…


   The Buzz

As in days of old
The buzz of the marketplace
Bards sang, poets told



Contemplating fun…

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Spectacle At

This week celebrates the upcoming Irish Fair in St Paul, MN…

Contemplating party…!



See us, if you’ll dare
Crowds, music, and spectacle
At the Irish Fair



Contemplating did I say, “Party…!”

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Bugs Take Cover

Contemplating comfort…


   Bugs Take Cover

Hot sun beating down
Bugs take cover but the roar
Lifts them from the ground



Contemplating effect…

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Lies Before Me

Contemplating routine…


   Lies Before Me

Familiar steps tread
The hill still lies before me
Sun hammers my head



Contemplating effort…

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Crowd Out

The outside never ceases to amaze me in so many ways…

Contemplating finding wonder…


   Crowd Out

Even this hot day’s
Work cannot crowd out wonder
Revealed to the gaze



Contemplating take the time…

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Silence But

Contemplating musical…


   Silence But

Dancing ‘bove the ground
Silence but the music’s there
Fireflies all around



Contemplating magical…

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Random Dancing

Contemplating curiosity…


   Random Dancing

Curious delight
Random dancing flashes glow
Dogs watching the lights



Contemplating watching them watch…

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Entertaining Us

Small things continue to fascinate…

Contemplating wonder…


   Entertaining Us

Light flashes abound
Entertaining us tonight
Fireflies all around



Contemplating how do they do that…?

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Watched Too

Contemplating company…

   Watched Too

Out at night no rush
Watching and being watched too
Eyes glow in the brush



Contemplating they’re out there…

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Set To Strike

Contemplating suspense…

   Set To Strike

Wondering if she’ll fall
Waiting for prey, set to strike
Mantis on the wall



Contemplating patience…

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