Category Archives: Life

Guarding the Back

Life is serious but there’s always another point of view…

Contemplating roles…

   Guarding the Back

Like some ugly thug
Guarding the back door waiting
A toad catches bugs



Back in the back yard and contemplating useful…

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Contemplating, what’s a widget…?


Making me fidget
Dashboards and plug ins abound
Wading thru widgets


Contemplating, plug ins…?

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Home Page

Contemplating frustration…

   Home Page

Why won’t that page drop?
Home page can’t say SAMPLE PAGE
Please, it has to stop



Contemplating confused…

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Comfort Zone

Contemplating persistence…


   Comfort Zone

Stretch myself beyond
My comfort zone new tech’s here
The blog’s to go on



Contemplating, yes it will…

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Contemplating forced change…


News: You’re done with that
Dumping your old platform, so
Have to change format



Contemplating, I gotta do what…?

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He’s Big

Contemplating really…

   He’s Big

I go out to shoo
Deer away despite he’s big
As me. Guess I’ll do


Contemplating perspective…

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Late At Night

Contemplating darkness…

   Late At Night

Life seen in the spark
When we go out at late at night
Eyes glow in the dark


Contemplating life…

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Peacefully And

Contemplating peace…

   Peacefully And

A kitten curls up
Peacefully and relaxes
Safe at home’s enough


Contemplating content…

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Silence But

Contemplating disturbance…

   Silence But

A moment disturbs
The silence but it’s not bad
The cat sits and purrs


Contemplating content…

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