Category Archives: Passion

Young and Still

This week is dedicated to my grandson and Happy Birthday to his mother…

Contemplating the process…

   Young and Still   

What wonders await
The young and still open mind?
Don’t learn to be late


Contemplating discovery…

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Goes On

Contemplating ambition…

   Goes On

In the end alone
Despite the battle goes on
In the game of thrones


Contemplating consequences…

Please share your thoughts…

For Love

Contemplating passion…

   For Love

Savage noble beast
Was only for love he fought
King Kong wasn’t leashed


Contemplating passion…

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Live Again

Contemplating resolve…

   Live Again

Swore not on his knees
Would he ever live again
But for her it’s, “Please”


Contemplating perspective…

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Abide My Hand

Contemplating the process…

   Abide My Hand

When the muse is upon me
The words flow
Onto the page and the verses seem to glow
With meaning easy to see

Well, for me
But when the muse is absent
My pen wanders about aimlessly lost in the sands

Or even refusing to abide my hand
What then when pen won’t go to paper? Where is what’s meant
For lines to set free

For others to see
The things that we all already know
In the day’s rush as we go
More and more crazy


Contemplating clarity…

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Something to Behold

Contemplating wonder…

   Something to behold

The way she beguiles
Me is something to behold
With nought but a smile


Contemplating smitten…

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Each Target

Contemplating expertise…

   Each Target

Target compiling
Within his field of sight leap
Sleek arrows flying

Deadly tips explode
The right shaft for each target
Hawkeye quick and bold


Contemplating obsession…

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Lives to Hunt

Contemplating dark mystery…

   Lives to Hunt

She’s dark and sultry
Given to fits of brooding
Only what we see

Just an outer veil
The Black Widow lives to hunt
Out beyond the pale


Contemplating beautiful danger…

Avengers continued…   Please share…

Monster Hears

Contemplating rage and worth…

   Monster Hears

In an instant he
Can go big, mean, and green
Cause always angry

The strongest wills clash
But the monster hears the words
His orders, “Hulk smash”


One of my first favorites…

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