Category Archives: Wonder


Contemplating the future…



Quick time now races
Escaping to the desert
New home oasis



Contemplating paradise…

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Whole Now

Contemplating healthy…


   Whole Now

All that life has been
I am whole now and fulfilled
When you laugh I grin



Contemplating happy…

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Stars I

Contemplating brilliance…


   Stars I

When staring into
The brilliance of those stars I
Forget what to do



Contemplating bedazzled…

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After a three month hiatus I’m back…

Contemplating finding inspiration…


When the ink runs dry
Inspiration sought I see
The stars in your eyes



Contemplating found…

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Contemplating panic…



“Look it’s blizzarding”
Expecting to see whiteout
Few white fluffy things



Contemplating functioning…

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Cold or Snow

Contemplating shock…


   Cold or Snow

Here might be shutdown
Too funny when’s cold or snow
They look s’prised like clowns



Contemplating this never happens…?

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About the Same

Contemplating consistency…


   About the Same

And in the summer
Difference still about the same
Not s’much I suffer



Contemplating perspective…

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