Contemplating evolution…
More Than That
Gradually friends
Came more than that. After all
Fate is. In the end
Contemplating what will be, will be…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating evolution…
More Than That
Gradually friends
Came more than that. After all
Fate is. In the end
Contemplating what will be, will be…
Please share your thoughts…
This weeks verses celebrate a beautiful young couple joined in marriage November 17, 2013
Contemplating friendship…
There Was Still
While in the service
Of country there was still time
Friends. But found a kiss
Contemplating more…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating change…
Over the Landscape
The cool of fall rolls
Over the landscape’s features
Another season folds
Contemplating time…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating intimidating…
Passes By
Dingo dog cries out
At whoever passes by
Greetings all about
Contemplating enthusiasm…
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Contemplating engaging…
Attitude Shows
Embracing passion
The cat’s attitude shows
Life is meant for fun
Contemplating leaps for leaps…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating pure joy…
Goes Out
Despite the rain she
Loves the outside and goes out
Clouds she doesn’t see
Contemplating serenity…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating joy…
Simple Movement
Running up the hill
The dogs reminds me simple
Movement is a thrill
Contemplating being alive…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating bizarre…
How Do They?
Snails without shells
Called slugs. How do they survive?
Outside swampy hells
Contemplating how…?
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating perseverance…
Known Shape
Across the hill combs
A known shape to the neighbor’s
Deck. Woodchuck back home?
Contemplating hard to believe…
Please share your thoughts…
Contemplating beauty…
Amongst the Green
Leaves turn fiery red
Shining bright amongst the green
One tree’s some ahead
Contemplating seasons…
Please share your thoughts…